Sunday, October 13, 2019

REVIEW: Finally Fallen: The Serendipity Trilogy Book Three by Zoey Derrick


When you’ve finally fallen for two of the most charismatic, loving, satisfying men you’ve ever met, that’s what each day feels like.

I’m. In. Love.

Not only with them, but with life.
They’ve proven their love for me is never ending, undying.
Now there’s a new challenge for the three of us on the horizon. One I welcome with open arms.

But they’re leaving.

Our peaceful, happy bubble is bursting while they step back into their lives, their jobs. I have to find ways to keep busy.

Doors are opening for me; compliments of an unexpected job offer and an impromptu performance. But I’m not sure I wanted those doors open.
I’m happy in my little bubble with the two men I love most in the world.

My fame is growing, people are noticing. But am I attracting the wrong crowd?

I swore I had no skeletons in my closet.
My past starts to unravel and threaten everything I have achieved. It’s clawing at the walls I’ve built around them and me.
Will it bring the walls crashing down around me?
Can I get through this?
Will they help me once they know secrets I didn’t even know I had?

It’s my turn to prove just how much I love them and the life they’ve given me.

This final chapter in River, Bodie and Keenan's story really bring it full circle and fills in so many gaps in their individual back story. Why they are the way they are ,how their individual culture from family or lack their of has made them the way they are.

 You finally learn about Rivers father and his family and some of her moms family. Why her mom ran and some of the situation from when River was young. Its sad and a much needed background for River. Its great and adds so much depth to her character and her family.

 She really gets into her career and is dealing with being pregnant and without her guys for  months and it just kills all of them.

 In this one Keenan really fucks up at the end and it really tears Bodie and River apart. Its just him trying to protect her but she gets pissed and angry and takes it out on both of them. They deserved it for sure, and it was good so they could realize how strong she really is and that everyone makes mistakes and screws up.

 Its such an amazing conclusion to this story and definitely leaves it open for the author to write more and more books for the characters.

 There is an amazing lil suprize in the epilogue that you will just love. A must read!!!

5 Stars
Best Selling Erotic, Paranormal and Contemporary Romance author Zoey Derrick comes from Glendale, Arizona. Zoey, was a mortgage underwriter by day and is now a romance and erotica novelist full-time. She writes stories as hot as the desert sun itself. It is this passion that drips off of her work, bringing excitement to anyone who enjoys a good and sensual love story.
Not only does she aim to take her readers on an erotic dance that lasts the night, it allows her to empty her mind of stories we all wish were true.
 Her stories are hopeful yet true to life, skillfully avoiding melodrama and the unrealistic, bringing her gripping Erotica only closer to the heart of those that dare dipping into it. 
The intimacy of her fantasies that she shares with her readers is thrilling and encouraging, climactic yet full of suspense. She is a loving mistress, up for anything, of which any reader is doomed to return to again and again. 

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