Tuesday, February 28, 2023

REVIEW: Castoff: Peridot Series By R.J. Theodore

 The Action Packed Conclusion to the Peridot Shift Trilogy

Peridot is on the edge of annihilation. Once life-giving, the world’s Trade Winds are transforming people into soulless monsters. The surviving Alchemist gods neglect their followers or take advantage of them. Even worse, a delicate peace has been wasted, and everything and everyone is at stake, especially Meran, the mistreated embodiment of the planet.

Captain Talis and the crew of Fortune’s Storm must try to do some good with what’s left of Peridot in the hope that, together, they’ll reclaim the hidden pieces of Meran’s soul before the chaos seals her disastrous fate.

This is the third book of the trilogy. The setting is a planet, Peridot, that has suffered some sort of cataclysmic event that has sundered the planet into diverse cultures. The interaction between sections is primarily a craft that appears to be the marriage between a traditional ocean-going vessel and a hot air balloon. In the previous books, the alien Yu’Nyun and the homegrown Veritors undercutting each other while pretending support is one of the underpinnings for this book.

Great finish to this series, Its a must read if you loved the other two. If you like any scifi type shows or books like firefly doom this is a great book series to read.

This is an adventure as well as a world-changing experience. Theodore did an incredible job on this trilogy and I can’t wait to see what is next.
I highly recommend it. Also, there is a subliminal message about the importance of protecting the environment and respecting Mother Earth.

R J Theodore* (they/she) is an author and graphic designer. Their short fiction has appeared in Lightspeed and Fireside Magazines as well as the award-winning Glitter + Ashes and Unfettered Hexes anthologies from Neon Hemlock Press.

Their Peridot Shift trilogy comes to an adventures conclusion in December 2022! Learn more at rjtheodore.com

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