Friday, February 10, 2017

REVIEW: The Pine Forest (The Iridescent Realm, Book 2) By Michelle Dare

One touch, one spark, two lives forever changed.
Pine and Azure. The war between the two kingdoms lasted far too long. Peace was finally established, but the survivors would never forget who fought on the front lines. Oliver Sage had a reputation for being a ruthless knight. He’d seen enough death to last a lifetime and worked on putting the past behind him, although not all would let him forget.
Addison was the only daughter of King and Queen Azure. With three brothers, she knew she’d always be protected, but she also wanted to learn how to take care of herself. She was strong, had a good heart, and wanted to be treated as an equal. Magical abilities ran in her family, and she had one no one knew of.
Oliver had given his heart to one princess, until the night he dreamed of another. Addison was the last woman he should desire, especially given who she was. However, what if she wanted him as well? They’d hated each other their entire lives, but suddenly couldn’t resist the desire which built between them. There were also those who didn’t think they should be together. Forbidden romance could only stay hidden for so long in the dark depths of the Pine Forest.
What a great novel. I have previously read The Azure Kingdom which was a great start into these characters.  The Pine Forest 
is such a great advancement on the story of these two Kingdoms.

In a world full of magic and war two kingdoms
Pine and Azure are trying to start a new life with a treaty when Oliver one of the 
most dangerous knights from the Pine kingdom enters Addison's life the fierson strong princess from the Azure kingdom. They have known each other or of each other for years but when 
they touch skin on accident at a wedding something ignites in them both and they are drawn to each other after that.

I cant spoil it for you but this is a must read. This pair goes through so much just to be together and it is amazing. They are 

Love love love this author cant wait for more from her she is an absolutely wonderful writer that draws you into the story by the power of her characters.

5 stars

Book One
Michelle Dare is a romance author. Her stories range from sweet to sinful and from new adult to fantasy. There aren’t enough hours in the day for her to write all of the story ideas in her head. When not writing or reading, she’s a wife and mom living in eastern Pennsylvania. One day she hopes to be writing from a beach where she will never have to see snow or be cold again.

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