Sunday, July 7, 2024

REVIEW:A Vengeful Realm : Book 3 : The Age Of The End By Tim Facciola


A Vengeful Realm Book 3: The Age of the End 
The flood of blood drowns New Rheynia, but The Age of the End is only just beginning.

Though the traitor God within Valencia has been exposed and Zephyrus and Threyna wild the artifacts of long dead deities, the way to the divine realm is blocked. The Harbinger has ascended to slaughter the Gods and leave the mortal realm in ruins. Yet Zephyrus, Laeden, Vykinallia, Iylea and Threyna have even more pressing concerns.

The Skeleton King has come to New Rheynia’s shores. Empowered by cursed magic, he and his legions will stop at nothing to consume every soul in the mortal realm in service to their One True God. Regardless if they’re Valencian or Celestic, Rheynians or Helms, free or enslaved peoples- everyone must join together if they hope to outlast the apocalypse. Even the worst of enemies.

Bonds of friendship and love will be tested. Chains of guilt and disdain will come undone. One way or another, the scales will be set right, and nothing will ever be the same again.

 One thing I love about these books is that there is a recap in the beginning of the previous book. 

These books really pull you into a whole different world with how Tim creates the back story and world and I truly loved reading this series and was very excited to come to this final book in the series to see where the author took the character's and planned the ending to this wonderful fantasy universe.

The entire series of A Vengeful Realm is packed with intrigue, epic battles, good versus evil, the power of unity, and hope for a bment of Tim Facciola's A Vengeful Realm has it all: action, adventure, love, and hope.

With the Skeleton King about to encroach on New Rheynia, Laeden, Ilyea, Zephyrus, Vykinallia, and Threyna all know that they need everyone to band together in order to stop him from overtaking the country. In the Divine Realm, the traitor God has been exposed, and he needs to be stopped before he overtakes the entire realm. Everyone--whether friend or foe--must stand united if they are to save humankind from the dangers of the Gods.

5 starsetter future. The Age of the End wraps up this trilogy well while leaving some ends open for future novels. I love how Facciola brings all of his characters together to fight on a united front even if they might not agree on everything, and this story really gives me hope for humankind in general.

The third and final install

5 stars