Sunday, September 13, 2020

REVIEW: Call Of The Wolves (Spirit Wolves Book 2) By Vonna Harper

Dark memories wait for Carlan Nashel and Brett Schneider in the unforgiving wilderness where Carlan’s beloved brother Skye lost his life in a tragic accident. She wants nothing to do with Brett whose presence painfully reminds her of what she lost, but she once loved this man. He used to be her everything, her body’s awakening.

As if preordained, they find each other near where the accident took place. As a storm isolates them from the world, they have no choice but to face the past and what they lost. To acknowledge what went wrong and why, the shared sexual heat that still rages. What they don’t know but soon will is that they aren’t alone in this hard reckoning. This unwanted journey.
Yes, they are the only humans here, but there is something else: a ghost and spirit wolves.

Maybe they’ll survive. Maybe they won’t.
This was an interesting little Novella. I really enjoyed it and it was quite good and interesting. I went into it thinking it had to do with wolf shifters instead it was all about wolf spirits or reincarnaation which is a lovely twist.

Great author and story but the book was over far too fast. I needed more depth and information in this story. It did make me cry but I also felt it was just a big long sex scene as there wasnt anything other than what happened top them in the woods. Having an epilogue or a few chapters where they talk to his brother about what he went through and explaining what they decide for  his working situation and her parents and for them in the future would have added more depth to this book.
Its still a great read and i look forward to more from this author.

3 stars

Under her "real" name, Vonna Harper has published more fiction than she can keep track of . These include category romances for the major players as well as the 'juicy' stuff. She also penned a series of well-received Native American historicals. One earned her finalist status in both the Women Writing the West Willa award and Pacific Northwest Booksellers Association. Before discovering romances, both erotic and otherwise, Vonna 'confessed' all kinds of nonsense for the confession magazines.

When asked about erotica research, she insists, "Of course I've time-traveled to the ancient Everglades, infiltrated bondage strongholds, done wilderness search and rescue, and spent a night trapped in a workout gym with Mr. Universe. How can I possibly write about something I haven't experienced?"

As for day jobs, "I've been a commercial pilot, brain surgeon, worked as a white-water river guide, bee keeper, snake charmer, and garbage collector."

Thursday, September 10, 2020

REVIEW: Alpha Bitch (Lycan Tales Trilogy Book 2) by Sylvia Woods

 An ancient race, a noble bloodline.

Mathilda Guevera had to fight hard in order to escape those who pursued her. But after finally finding her freedom, she is hunted down and brought back into the secret Lycan society she thought she had left behind forever. Thrust into a new role, she must face unexpected challenges and confront enemies, both old and new. However, she is not alone. At her side is Aaron Peterson, her faithful mate who protects her against all who wish to see her harmed.

Becker Ericsson, her loyal friend, must also navigate new waters when Matthias Schuller, his former pack leader, unexpectedly re-enters his life. Matthias’s presence brings up old emotions, and Becker must decide what is truly worth fighting for.

Contains coarse language, explicit scenes and LGBT themes.

This book just jumps right back into the story and where Aaron and Mathilda left off. Jumps right back into how she becomes the Alpha after killing the previous one.What her heritage really is and why it was hidden from her. This book is so full of twists and turns

I so love and adore Becker and how he is so nasty and mean to Matthais because of their past pain and hurt. I constantly am rooting for Becker to rip him a new one lol.

Aaron trying to get Mathilda to find someone better than him drives me as bonkers as it does her I am sure. He is the perfect guy for her, chill down to earth they are both half breed bastards that care with their entire heart and would rather die than left the other get even a scratch on them.

This book is full of romance from multiple characters, adventure, action, political issues and just some down right comedic moments.

This author did not disappoint in this novel.

4 stars

Sunday, September 6, 2020

REVIEW: Lone Bitch By Sylvia Woods

One night with a handsome stranger. A noble race, an ancient bloodline.

Mathilda Guevera never knew of her true heritage until the night she unexpectedly transformed into a wolf. From that moment on she vowed to keep her abilities hidden from humans and Lycans alike, afraid of the consequences if her existence was discovered.
But years later this resolve is tested when she is irresistibly drawn to a fellow Lycan; a man who makes her breath catch in her throat and her blood boil with desire. They spend a single, passionate night together, but she leaves before he can even discover her name.
However she cannot stay hidden forever, and when he inevitably tracks her down, he introduces her into a hidden Lycan world of wealth, privilege and power. Sparks fly and their mutual attraction cannot be denied, but how well does she really know him?
Has she finally found the family she always dreamed of or is there something darker lurking beneath the shadows?

This is a wonderful book by a wonderful new author I came across.

I have a serious weakness for Shifter books and this one did not disappoint at all. Its a great read and this author adds lots of back stories to each of these characters and who they came from.

Mathilda is so innocent to the ways of the pack life. She is such a lone wolf, the title is very very fitting. But shes strong and can handle herself if needed. She is a survivor and that is what I love about her.

Aaron oh Aaron he is so naive to all the goings on around him.To severe extent of evil around him in some of the wolves souls and who is in cahoots with who. It makes me laugh, its like  funny little twist to the story.

I so look forward to reading the next book in this series.

4 stars