Howdy, bibliophiles! It's Selenity Jade, here. It's been AGES since I've posted on my blog here, hasn't it? I can't believe it's been over three years since I started traveling for work and gave up control of this baby to my cousin, Omra.I have been working on a different niche website for the last few months, and I kept meaning to come back here, but I just didn't have the right motivation.
So what was the motivation that brought me back to book blogging?
I received a review request that REALLY sparked my interest. A non-romance, darker, and different read than anything else I've got my hands on recently. I said yes. In fact, I probably squealed for joy.
The Suicide King by Vanessa Marie (Releases July 30, 2019)
*This article may include affiliate links that give me a small commission per sale, at no extra cost to you.*
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The Suicide King |
Blurb (via the author's website):
Jason King thought suicide was the only answer.
The inner demons were winning and he was ready to surrender.
As far as he was concerned no one would care.
Everyone would be better off.
No one would notice he was gone.
Little did he know how wrong he was.
His actions had consequences.
The reach went further than he could have imagined.
Only his suffering didn't end.
Stuck in purgatory Jason is forced to walk a new path.
One that shows him how his suicide affected all those involved.
Even the ones he never thought would care.
The ones he never knew it would reach.
In this Christmas Carol like tale, Jason King will visit all of those who mourn him.
He finds out a little too late how wrong he was about everything.
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Author's Note on The Suicide King
The author, Vanessa Marie, gives us the reason she wrote The Suicide King."I wrote this book to get people to stop and make them think. To give a voice to the voiceless. Mental Health issues still have such a stigma and it should be okay for people to reach out for help. So many lives are shattered by suicides and the ripple effects are far-reaching. My hope is this book can reach someone and change their mind from making that decision. They can see the ripple effects and seek help."
- The Review -
*I received a free ARC in exchange for an honest review, but I have not been compensated in any way.*
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ARC on My Kindle Paperwhite |
About the Book
Jason King, the main character, commits suicide. This doesn't end his pain as he thought it would. He's visited by a being called Luke and shown exactly how his decision affected the people around him.
Similar to the Christmas Carol story, Luke is the Ghost of Christmas Present, showing Jason exactly how his suicide affected his family, his friends, his coworkers, his acquaintances, and even strangers.
I'm going to be up front here. This is NOT my normal read. At all. I'm a romance junkie. Anything romantic, no matter the subgenre, and I'm all over it. I also throw in some Urban Fantasy series for fun too, as long as it does center around some sort of romance.
This is also not a book you will enjoy. It's not that kind of read. It won't give you warm feels, make you smile, or anything positive. It'll make you think. It'll make you feel, but not in a good way. But it absolutely will hold your attention.
This book was well-written. It touched on a super touchy subject with amazing honesty and frankness. It handled the topic of suicide without a lot of kid-glove stuff you've read in the past. It's also from the point of view of the one who committed suicide, yet focuses on the ones who are survivors left behind. It was excellently done.
While I wouldn't call this book 'entertaining', it IS very enthralling and you will find yourself pulled into the story, perhaps unwillingly. It's different, it's dark, and it will make you think, especially if you've contemplated suicide or know someone who has.
I was engrossed from the start and finished this book in two days. It was good. It was thought-provoking. It was powerful.
I also loved Luke. He was great. As the guide of the story, he was epic. Perhaps the best character in the entire book.
It's definitely not entertaining or a light read, which could be considered a huge negative if you aren't in the mood for this type of book or if this triggers you.
I didn't like Jason. I couldn't help it. However, I don't know that Jason was even supposed to be likable. Just real.
Who IS Luke, anyway? I have my suspicions, but they are never confirmed or corrected. We're just left wondering.
Anyone who's ever contemplated suicide or struggles with depression really should read this book. It's powerful stuff. It'll hopefully make you think before you act. Hopefully, this book will make you realize how suicide is not the end of pain. You just transfer it to everyone else.
If you like dark, serious reads, this will also be up your alley. But if you're sensitive and hate anything that isn't 'fluffy', definitely steer clear.
My Personal Story
I have lived with a family member who has attempted suicide multiple times. I have a cousin who did commit suicide. I've had a friend who's brother committed suicide decades ago.
I really struggle with this subject because to me, suicide is the ultimate selfish act. My closest personal experience with it is a family member who keeps 'attempting' so I am angry with people who attempt it or succeed. I personally don't have a lot of sympathy for it, because to me, it's a very selfish act and selfishness is hard for me to understand.
It makes me angry that anyone could do this to their loved ones at all. So this book was harder on me. This is the reason I really disliked Jason.
That said, the author portrayed this freaking fabulously. Luke represented pretty much every feeling I've had about the subject PERFECTLY. This is why I really related to Luke. It was freaking BRILLIANT.
I have to admit, this book is hard for me to rate.
5-star books are books I'll read, over and over again, and is a huge enjoyment.
4-star books are books that are dang good and I'll likely read again.
3 stars are books that are just okay, entertaining and fun, once, but I won't be back.
2 stars are books I didn't like and don't recommend.
1-star is reserved for books I didn't finish because they were that bad.
So how do I rate this one?
This is not a book I enjoyed, nor will I likely read it again, but it definitely deserves way more than 3 stars, or even 4, but yet, is it a read I loved? No, not exactly, which is why I have to label this as 4 stars.
The subject is seriously depressing. But that's the point, isn't it? It's SUPPOSED to be. It's not supposed to be a book that you enjoy. It's supposed to be a book that makes you think, especially if you've thought about suicide even once.
How do you rate a book that's good, but you didn't enjoy reading? I was engrossed and interested, but I'm not sure entertained is the word I would use.
It's a great book, though, just not a fun one. It's an excellent idea, but not one to be read over and over again. It just might save a life, but I won't list it as a favorite book.
I DO recommend this book to anyone who struggles with suicidal thoughts. Read this. Call a hotline. Get help. This book very well may save your life. It might be a 5-star read that changes your life.
I DO recommend this book to anyone who struggles understanding why their loved one committed suicide or attempted suicide. Maybe it'll make you feel more understanding. It didn't me, but I really wish everyone who thinks suicide is the answer would read this. Seriously.
It'll make you think about things differently, and it's not going to be pleasant, but it's definitely a must-read book for anyone who can stomach the subject.
This book releases July 30, 2019, and is available for preorder in the links above. Buy it now! You won't regret it!
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Amazon US:
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==> Suicide Helplines <==
If you or anyone you know is considering suicide, please reach out for help. It is available.
National Suicide Prevention Hotline - 1-800-273-8255
Suicide Prevention Lifeline -
- The Author -
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Picture From the Author's Website |
"Always the cause of shenanigans, Vanessa is a heavily tattooed, sarcastic motorcycle enthusiast who started her career as a Jeep tech at the age of sixteen. The happily married mother of three little monsters—oops, children—lives in Kentucky by way of Las Vegas, Nevada. Once her life took a different direction—sidelined by Heart Disease at 26 and becoming a pacemaker recipient—she decided to write as a creative outlet, and Heartless was born. She realizes life can be dark clouds and acid rain at times, but her outlook on life puts a positive and sarcastic spin on it all."
If you'd like to follow her shenanigans, check her out on her website or social media!